EUROBELGRADE 2013 – Student Tournament in Serbia,


For the third year in a row Faculty of Organizational Sciences is organizing an international students sports tournament EuroBelgrade. The tournament will take place from 10th to 14th of October in Belgrade, Serbia.
EuroBelgrade is one of the biggest students tournaments in Serbia. Competitors will have an opportunity to play sports, have fun, meet new people and learn more about Serbia and its culture. This is why no one can lose.

During the tournament, students from all over Europe will compete in six disciplines: futsal, basketball, volleyball, handball, water polo and cheerleading as well. All sports, except for water polo and cheerleading, are played in men’s and women’s competition. Besides the sports,  students will be able to enjoy a number of social activities that will be provided for them.


EuroBelgrade 2013 has something for everyone. For students who are not that much interested in sport, there will be organized “Party Pack” activities. During the day, they will visit cultural heritage and our best bars and cafés, and after that they will feel the magic of Belgrade nightlife. Our guests will party in the best discos, which made the city famous across the globe.


Applications for the EuroBelgrade tournament are open until October 1st. If you apply by the end of July there will be a discount of 10% and if you apply by the end of August there will be a discount of 5%.  See you in Belgrade!

Doctor of Business Administration – 2 years program from a prestigious, top global research institution in the World. Polish Academy of Science.


The Institute of Economics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (hereafter INE PAN) is the most advanced and prestigious Polish research center in the field of economic and business studies. Its mission is to explore, analyze and evaluate economic processes, and make its findings effectively available to all those who dare to take a critical and active attitude towards their lives and careers and seek answers to difficult questions, being convinced that earth belongs to those whose heart and mind are never complacent, inert and unexcited. To fulfill this mission the Institute engages in various activities, one of which is to run the Two-Year Executive Doctor of Business Administration Program in English.

The Program is taught by scholars and researchers of INE PAN as well as by visiting practitioners and experts. We are proud of their achievements, professionalism, dedication, and engagement so much appreciated by all program participants. Among them there are such distinguished economists as:
  • Marek Belka, President of the National Bank of Poland;
  • Grzegorz Kolodko, former Deputy Prime-Minister and Minister of Finance of the Republic of Poland;
  • Jerzy Osiatynski, Advisor to the President of Poland and former Minister of Finance;
  • Jerzy Hausner, Member of the Monetary Policy Council at the National Bank of Poland;
  • Kazimierz Laski, Senior Research Associate and former Director of Research at the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies; and
  • Zdzislaw Sadowski, Honorary President of the Polish Economic Society.
INE PAN has two peer-review journals which it publishes regularly: the Economic Studies and the Polish Economy  Forecasts and Opinions. It also issues monographs and working papers to report on its recent research findings. Proceedings of conferences and international seminars organized by the Institute are regularly printed as well. Many research projects conducted by INE PAN have international partners. The Institute is a member of several scientific international associations.
All classes are held in well-equipped classrooms with computers, overheard projectors, etc. Everybody has Wi-Fi access to the Internet and to one’s online program participant account (to download course materials, find information about class schedule or exam results, follow one’s payment record, etc.). Participants receive access to the libraries. Everyone also receives a password to enter several online databases with thousands of journals and magazines that one may read wherever one has an Internet access.

The EDBA Program is carried out in accordance with the regulations of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in Poland and the EU Bologna Process.

The program consists of eight modules (two modules in each semester, four semesters during two academic years) and a research paper.
Upon finishing the EDBA Program (completing eight modules and presenting a research paper), the student receives the degree of Doctor of Business Administration.

A DBA certificate and a DBA diploma are issued by the Institute of Economics of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

For candidates who show inclination for in-depth scientific study and research there is a possibility of continuing for two extra years which results in writing (under supervision of a chosen professor) a PhD dissertation and defending it. Leading to a PhD in Economics.

Usually, candidates seek the certificate of completion of doctoral studies and the DBA degree without subsequent writing and defending of the PhD dissertation.

The EDBA Program has an edge over other similar program in that it nurtures, encourages and develops participants’ competences of problem-solving, cause-effect analysis, and strategic planning.

Graduates are proud to join international associations of DBA holders, and critically reflect upon their own business experience, but also enter a qualitatively new level of understanding of difficulties at their workplaces and have enough intellectual courageousness and acumen to see how these may be resolved.